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Massage Therapy Specialist

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy

Occupational Therapists & Physical Therapy located in Fresh Meadows, NY & Little Neck, NY

Massage therapy offers many health benefits, from relieving stress to easing tense muscles. Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy provides massage therapy at their offices in the Fresh Meadows area of Queens, New York City, and Little Neck, New York. The experienced team uses massage therapy for sports medicine and rehabilitation. Call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online today.

Massage Therapy Q & A

What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy is among many health-promoting services available at Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy. It’s a hands-on therapy that manipulates your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and skin using varying degrees of movement and pressure. 

By working your soft tissue, your massage therapist eases tight muscles, improves circulation, and restores range of motion.

Though you may view massage therapy as more of a luxury than a medical treatment, the hands-on approach offers many health benefits, including:

  • Reducing stress
  • Easing tight and tense muscles
  • Helping you feel more relaxed
  • Boosting your immune health
  • Supporting recovery from injuries
  • Improving flexibility and performance

The sports medicine experts at Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy use massage therapy as one of their modes of treatment to help patients recover from an injury and get back to their active lifestyle. 

What are the types of massage therapy?

There are many types of massage therapy. Each type uses different levels of pressure and manipulation techniques to achieve various health goals. 

Types of massage therapy include:

Swedish massage

Swedish massage is a gentle massage therapy that eases tense muscles and improves circulation. During a Swedish massage, the therapist uses various hand techniques like kneading, tapping, and passive joint movements to get the desired results. 

Sports massage

Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy may recommend a sports massage to treat chronic sports injuries, improve flexibility, and prevent injuries.

During a sports massage, the therapist may use deep pressure to ease muscle soreness and improve circulation to the injured body part. They also use kneading and stroking techniques to support flexibility and healing. 

Trigger point massage

A trigger point massage focuses on easing trigger points, which are tight bands of muscle that cause radiating pain. During a trigger point massage, the therapist alternates between broad, gentle strokes and targeted deep pressure techniques to help release the trigger point. 

Am I a candidate for massage therapy?

Massage therapy benefits almost everyone. At Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy, the team conducts comprehensive evaluations when you come in for care to determine the best treatment for you.

The practice utilizes many innovative modalities to support healing, ease pain, and help you get back to your active lifestyle. They may add massage therapy to your treatment plan to support your recovery and health.

Call Precision Rehab Occupational Physical & Hand Therapy or schedule an appointment online today.